Why Faith and Life?
The Faith and Life series presents the depth, beauty and richness of the Catholic Faith in a way that resonates with students and transforms their lives, and the life of parishes.
Today the Church is called to evangelize and catechize students so that they are able to faithfully live out their faith, against the tides of the culture.
Now is the time for the New Evangelization. Now is the time for the Faith and Life Series.
This is a time in which students, parents and catechists are called to come alive in their faith, it is a time for spiritual as well as intellectual renewal. The Faith and Life series accomplishes this renewal as it effectively evangelizes and catechizes students and families.
With Faith and Life Online you have access to a diversity of materials including:
-Student Text
-Student Activity Book
-Teacher Manual
-Parish Catechist Manual
-Assessment Tools
-Family Guide
-Online Resources
-Complete interactive online digital learning
The Faith and Life Series presents the Faith through the lens ofsalvation history where God’s story becomes our story. This is the pedagogy of God. This is the pedagogy of the Faith and Life Series.
Faith and Life provides a dynamic, rich formation program that resonates with students and fosters spiritual, moral, and intellectual conversion.